Friday, March 03, 2006

The Big Divide

"Urban India where the Infromation Technology revolution is taking place, from where the upwardly mobile middle class is located and from where it seeks to zoom into trajectories of two-digit growth, where foreign direct investment is invited and feted, that urban India is where money makes money. Rural India, where a failed monsoon leading to a failed crop means disaster. And a good monsoon leading to a bumper crop can also mean disaster for the farmer who will have to sell for less, where the systems of institutional credit have weakened, spawning informal and vicious private money lending, where hundreds of farmers have swallowed the pesticide they have borrowed to buy, that rural India is concerned with the money that is not made. At least by those who need it."
This is an extract from "The Hindu" dated 03 March 2006. With this I start this blog, a place for my views on the country side of this country, also my first step towards fulfilling my dream.